Saturday 14 December 2013

Bangkok Day 3: Chatuchak and CentralWorld

Day 3: 7 December 2013 (Saturday)'

Since it is a weekend in Bangkok, what else will we do other than head down to the famous Chatuchak market!! Armed with sunblock, shades and a free fan that we received the day before, we were ready to conquer this shopping district!

Headed over to Chit Lom station and took a train down to Mo Chit Station. From there, just walk towards exit 1 and walk along the overhead bridge. Follow the crowd and you will see a whole row of make shift shops which is the entrance of Chatuchak Market. Keep walking and you will arrive at the massive section where there is a whole lot of sections and lanes for you to choose from!

Since it was my first time there, I wasn't too familiar with the place. It was a little hard for me to navigate around and it didn't help much that it was scorching hot! But still managed to get a whole lot of clothes and we ended up leaving that place with two huge bags that we looked like some kinda supplier haha. The price range of the clothes there vary. It can be as cheap as 100baht per piece but it can also go up to 400 baht. Guess it is still reasonable but for me who is there sourcing for cheap buys, I couldn't bring myself to spend more than 250baht on something from Chatuchak. Regardless, I still bought a lot a lot of things!!! And all the buys there were awesome! 

Lunch was settled at one of the stalls in Chatuchak. It was an entire section dedicated to Thai food. Very authentic and very busy. 

Refreshing coconut on a hot day! 
 Yummy Pad Thai which really yummy except that there was too much veggie HAHA
 Crab meat fried rice 
 Stir fried morning glory/ kang kong. YUMMM
Tom Yum goong. Yummy soup but prawns were not fresh and soggy. yikes. 

The thing that I will remember the most about this shop is that they have this extremely loud staff whose voice booms over the noise there. Will not forget how these two tourists sitting beside us literally cringed whenever she screams hahaha. I guess to eat here you really gotta have a strong stomach. The level of hygiene here is a little bad but I guess that is something that we should be prepared for when we choose road side stalls! My sister ended up with pretty bad food poisoning later in the night and I suffered from really bad stomach aches for the next two days :( 

After lunch was more shopping and of course the popular coconut ice cream! 

I love this ice cream because it was so light and refreshing. Topped with a generous serving of nata de coco and peanuts as well as coconut meat, it was amazing! Each coconut ice cream comes with a cup of cold coconut juice as well. Definitely perfect for the crazy weather!

By about 4 plus, we could really feel our legs giving way and we needed a break. Decided to return back to our hotel because we just could not walk any longer. Cabbed back to our hotel to dump our loots and then we headed for dinner! 

Dinner that night was at CentralWorld shopping centre. They have a whole bunch of restaurants and cafes there but decided to have steamboat at Hotpot instead! Their steamboat buffet was really worth it. It cost about 15sgd per person and you get 1.5 hour for your buffet which comes with free flow drinks as well! Other than just steamboat items, they provide fried items, dim sum and even sushi as well. You get a choice from two different kinds of soup - chicken and tom yum.

After dinner, we went for more shopping and finally massage! We have already made it a point to have a massage every night regardless hahaha. When we were done with our massage, it was time to crash again! Back to the hotel to prepare ourselves for a new day! 

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