Monday 23 December 2013

Happy Holidays!

Starting to clear my pictures by posting them up bit by bit. With 2013 coming to an end, this also means that this is a period of celebration and fun!

On Friday, attended Jin Yao's parade where he finally graduated from SCS after a few months. Happy for him and it was good meeting some of my JC classmates and friends! It's been way too long. His parade was all the way at Joo Koon though hahaha. Crazy far. Got the message that results for my first uni exams were out and I checked it along the way. That was the only spoiler of that day because I was a tad disappointed but still thankful that I am not far from my desired grades :) Time to work harder next semester!

 A few of us 08 friends with Jin Yao! 

 Bumped into Li Juan who is still as cute as ever! 
 My pretty roomie who dressed up for the occasion ;)
Hello from part of 08!! 

On Saturday, headed over to Jin Yao's place for Christmas! It was a good meet up with them and really thankful that we are still able to catch up even after months of not meeting :) Quite a pity that quite a bit of people couldn't make it that night, but still fun nonetheless! Thank you for having us, Jin Yao! :)

 08 08 08!! Love this bunch to bits and of course everyone else who weren't there :)
 The amazing bunch of girls that is always there! Thankful for them during my 2 years in JC and even after (Plus Ruth who wasn't there that night)

The crazily annoying Zhe Kang but such a great listener and friend all the time. Another friend that I am very grateful for although we were not classmates! 

And of course, what's a party without FOOD!! nomnomnom

This holiday season just feels more festive than any other years! With more celebrations coming along the way, I am excited :) With 2013 coming to an end at such a perfect note, fingers crossed that 2014 will be just as good! 

Cafe Hopping!

Been looking forward to update my blog but was having difficulty transferring my pictures over to my laptop. Finally my sis is back from Nepal and I can make use of her USB cable and my pictures are finally successfully transferred!

This week was one busy week for me because it was spent catching up with friends. On Monday and Tuesday, roomie and I finally had our roomie stayover! It was good time spent because even though we stay together, we spent most of our time studying and with exams out of the way, it was really enjoyable.

Really thankful for this girl and although we started out as complete strangers, I am glad we managed to get along so well :) Explored photo apps recommended by Xiaxue as well which allowed me to design collages with such cute backgrounds and nice filters.

On Wednesday, met up with my old friends from Crescent for some Cafe hopping!! Was so excited for it because I really wanted to find some cute and attractive cafes in Singapore. Luckily for Sihui and Google maps, we managed to locate these cafes quite easily hahaha.

First stop, we headed straight for Orange Thimble! Ordered their American breakfast set and a Turkey ham sandwich which was shared amongst the three of us. Their American breakfast was SOOO good. It is that kind of breakfast set that I will go back for more.
This was my favourite out of all the cafes that we tried that day. Really loved the food there! The breakfast set cost about $13++ and the Turkey ham sandwich was $9++. Really value for money cos we were soo full after that hahaha. Furthermore, the ambience in the cafe was really nice. A really nice place to chill over some good food with friends! 

The Orange Thimble
Tuesday to Thursday, Sunday: 0900-2130
Friday to Saturday: 0900-2300
Closed on Mondays
#01-68, 56 Eng Hoon Street
+65 62238068

Tiong Bahry Bakery was next on our list since it was right beside Orange Thimble. As much as everyone have been raving about this place, this was actually my first time trying hahaha. Because we were still full from brunch at Orange Thimble, we ordered this puff that we shared amongst us. It was sweet and crispy and it wasn't too oily. The portion was huge too and it only cost $4. However, although TBB is very highly praised and really popular, I personally felt that it was a little over rated. 

Tiong Bahru Bakery
Monday to Sunday: 0800-2200
#01-70, 56 Eng Hoon Street
+65 62203430

Our third cafe for the day was Poteato! This was another of my personal favourite cos I loveeee the food there and I really love the cafe as well. With the Christmas decorations in place and Christmas songs blasting, it added to the cosiness of the shop! Spent over 2 hours in the shop but it was so comfortable that we did not want to leave. The food there was really yummy too! This is one cafe that I will definitely go back to. Furthermore, the friendly staff there will make you feel comfortable there as well. 

 Apricot peach juice! Refreshing and not too sweet

White chocolate cheesecake and truffle fries. Delicious! Great as some snacks and dessert after our mains earlier. 

Tuesday to Friday: 1100-2200
Saturday: 1000-2200
Sunday: 1000-2100
Closed on Mondays
#01-18, 78 Yong Siak Street
+65 62212488

Lastly, we headed over to Butterscotch. It is a newly opened cafe around Bukit Merah and it is also a halal cafe. It was along a row of pretty old looking shops at a housing block. The cafe is pretty small and I thought it was pretty squeezy actually. The choices on the menu was pretty limited and they have only like 4 mains. The rest were dessert and drinks. Basically it is a place that I will not return to another time. I guess I visited it for its novelty. It wasn't a bad experience there but nothing special and does not attract me to visit it again. 

 Xinyi's Ramly meets Wendy burger. Nothing special and was just average 
Churros with chocolate sauce! This was pretty nice but their churros was a little too hard. Would be nicer if it was softer though

Souffle ($14) which was one of their recommended dessert. This was quite good. Not too sweet and it comes with  a scoop of salted caramel/butterscotch ice cream (couldn't figure out) and chocolate sauce. Serving was huge too! 

Butterscotch Cafe
Tuesday to Sunday: 0830-2200
Closed on Mondays
Blk 164 Bukit Merah Central #01-3625
Singapore 150164

It was a really happy day for me because I was in the company of good old friends and yummy food :) So thankful for my friends from secondary school and that we can still have endless conversation despite not meeting up after a long while! Looking forward to the New Year chalet with the same bunch and with more who weren't there with us too :) 

Saturday 14 December 2013

Bangkok Day 5: Platinum Mall and Terminal 21

Day 5: 9 December 2013 (Monday)

This was technically our last day in Bangkok so we were determined to make the most out of it. Luckily for us, our bodies felt better after the night before. Decided to make one final swipe at Platinum Mall before leaving. Really thankful that we did because I saw many things that I did not previously and they were must gets for me as well. Anyway, if you are looking for denim high waisted bottoms at a cheap price, I would recommend Hung - a shop in Platinum mall. They sell a whole lot of highwaisted shorts at only 250baht!! And they are extremely comfortable and comes in all sort of colours!

Alll ready and raring to go!!

Stayed in Platinum till about 430pm and we were headed off to Terminal 21! 

To get there, take the BTS to Asok Station and just follow the signs. It is just right beside the BTS station so it should be difficult to miss. I love Terminal 21 because it is just so beautiful! Each level of the mall is decorated to suit a country's theme. They have Tokyo, London, Istanbul, Rome etc. It is gorgeous! A perfect place for photo taking hehehe.

 Off to Tokyo!!

Even their toilets are so prettily decorated to suit the theme! The staff there were also dressed in the outfit that corresponded with their level's theme. Super cute! 

There will be a symbolic decoration on each level based on the country. For Tokyo, it was....SUMOS! 


 The photos below are all taken on the way to the toilet! Even toilet decoration also so nice

 My sis boarding an underground subway HAHA

Dinner that night was settled at one of the restaurants in Terminal 21. They have got so many options to choose from! Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Western. You name it they have it hahaha. After much deliberation, we settled for Mix Restaurant and Bar. They serve both Thai and Western here but having had enough Thai food the last few days, we decided to give their western a try! They are supposed to have won the top 10 restaurants award or something hahaha. Either way, it is something that they deserve! Food was real good and staff there were polite too! 

 My prawn spaghetti (??) I could taste the prawn in every mouth. The garlic bread was yummy too! 
Grilled pork chops. This got to be the best pork chop that I have ever tasted! It was so juicy and chewy. Goes very well with the mushroom sauce. Love it! 

After dinner, we grabbed some dessert at Farm Design. Farm Design is a very cute and cosy looking cafe serving cakes and puddings. It came from Japan and it is apparently very famous in Japan as well. After trying, I am glad to say I wasn't disappointed!! 

Our slice of cheesecake and Moo-ey chocolate pudding or something HAHA. Both were really good and I really enjoyed it. The taste was just right for me and the decoration of the whole shop just made it even more likeable. 

After our dinner, decided to head back to our hotel area for our last round of massage. It was pretty hilarious how the masseurs were just sitting outside the shop and when they spotted us they just started laughing too. We must have been their regular customers that week! And when they realized it was our last night there, they even told us "See you next year!" hahaha. Such friendly people :)

Returned back to our hotel to pack our luggage and prepare for our flight back home the next day! And not forgetting the mandatory shot of our buys hehehe. 
All mine! HAHAHA

Bangkok Day 4: Union mall

Day 4: 8 December 2013 (Sunday)

Horrible horrible day because both sis and I fell sick after the meal at Chatuchak the day before :( However, we were pretty against the idea of wasting an entire Sunday in BKK so we still dragged ourselves out of the house. Pretty crazy having to walk under the sun in that state I must say hahaha.

Lunch was at CentralWorld because there were many nice restaurants upstairs. Grabbed lunch at a Japanese restaurant which served food and bento sets similar to what we have back in Singapore. It was nothing special though.
Orange juice and Mango juice which was obviously syrup though they assured us it was fresh 
My pork cutlet set. This cost about 8sgd. Quite yummy but felt a little uncomfortable after because of it being a little too oily for my stomach when I was already kinda unwell. 

After lunch, we are off the Union mall! Heard from quite a few of my friends that Union mall is a must go when you are there. It is just one stop away from Chatuchak, so you can consider going to both Chatuchak and Union mall on the same day. For us, we just couldn't do it cos we were too exhausted to walk after Chatuchak on Saturday hahaha. 

Anyway, to get to Union Mall, take the BTS to Mo Chit station. From there, go down the same way as how you will go to Chatuchak (exit 1 > down the bridge) and you will see Chatuchak Park MRT station. From there, take one stop to Phayo Lothin. From Phayo Lothin, just follow the signs and you will see a huge bright yellow building upon exiting the station. It is really easy to navigate! 

Union Mall!

For Union Mall, there are more clothes for guys as compared to places like Platinum. However, I personally feel that the clothes here are slightly more expensive as compared to the other places. For most of the prices of the clothes there they range from 350baht and up. Bags can go up to 900 plus baht. So if you are there, be prepared to spend a little more! But the quality is also better! The variety of clothes there is huge so there will definitely be things to get. If not cos we were sick, we would have definitely gotten more clothes! :( 

Oh oh btw, there is a whole lot of restaurants at Union Mall! From western, to Korean. Omg I would totally have eaten lunch there if it is not cos the review I read stated there was nothing to eat there :( There is an entire section dedicated to food and they all look ultra yummy. 

Eventually we gotta give in to our sick bodies and forced ourselves back to the hotel. Such an upsetting day but at least I managed to visit this place. Will definitely go back to Union mall again the next time I am at BKK!!!!