Monday 23 December 2013

Happy Holidays!

Starting to clear my pictures by posting them up bit by bit. With 2013 coming to an end, this also means that this is a period of celebration and fun!

On Friday, attended Jin Yao's parade where he finally graduated from SCS after a few months. Happy for him and it was good meeting some of my JC classmates and friends! It's been way too long. His parade was all the way at Joo Koon though hahaha. Crazy far. Got the message that results for my first uni exams were out and I checked it along the way. That was the only spoiler of that day because I was a tad disappointed but still thankful that I am not far from my desired grades :) Time to work harder next semester!

 A few of us 08 friends with Jin Yao! 

 Bumped into Li Juan who is still as cute as ever! 
 My pretty roomie who dressed up for the occasion ;)
Hello from part of 08!! 

On Saturday, headed over to Jin Yao's place for Christmas! It was a good meet up with them and really thankful that we are still able to catch up even after months of not meeting :) Quite a pity that quite a bit of people couldn't make it that night, but still fun nonetheless! Thank you for having us, Jin Yao! :)

 08 08 08!! Love this bunch to bits and of course everyone else who weren't there :)
 The amazing bunch of girls that is always there! Thankful for them during my 2 years in JC and even after (Plus Ruth who wasn't there that night)

The crazily annoying Zhe Kang but such a great listener and friend all the time. Another friend that I am very grateful for although we were not classmates! 

And of course, what's a party without FOOD!! nomnomnom

This holiday season just feels more festive than any other years! With more celebrations coming along the way, I am excited :) With 2013 coming to an end at such a perfect note, fingers crossed that 2014 will be just as good! 

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