Saturday 3 May 2014


Haven't been updating this space for the longest time but wow, I have been soooo busy with all the exams and assignments charging at me in full force. But now that these are all out of the way, I can finally welcome my holidays which I am extremely excited about!

Well, technically my holidays started about a week ago (hehehe) so....

Just a quick update about some important happenings that took place in my life! 

Birthday celebration for Victor at I Am...Cafe on one of the weekends. Nice little shop which is halal and serve pretty decent food at reasonable prices. Only down part is that their menu don't seem to be fixed so it is really pretty much by luck I suppose. On the day that we went, they were serving all day breakfast which wasn't what we had in mind but oh well, food is good so no complaints :) It was a pretty small place but it doesn't feel too cluttered. I wouldn't mind going back again to give their other main course a try too!

Eggs ben for both hudds and I, pancake stack for Victor and egg and sausage set for Bryan. They serve nice coffee too! 

Birthday boy with his massive rainbow cake! The cake was sooo pretty but serving was huge! 

 customized this shirt for Victor as well for his birthday :') glad he likes it! 

The amazing company that I am always thankful for
I Am...Cafe
Sunday to Thursday: 1100-2300
Friday: 1100-0100
674 North Bridge Road

Came home from hall during one of the weeks and le sis and I decided to give this cafe that we have discovered online a try! Pretty nice place that stands on its own amidst a lot of hardware shops. Just a nice, quiet place that has a nice ambience. Perfect for some quiet time :) 

Would have loved the place more........if we had ordered the right dishes. The dishes we ordered sucked lol but I would give it a benefit of doubt that we were unlucky enough to order something that tasted terrible hahahaha. Because there are many good reviews online!! 

Oh, the cafe in question is none other than L'etoile Cafe btw. 

Love the interior because they have this whole cottage-y feel to it that adds to the comfort of the place! 

My sis' cappuccino


That plate of truffle fries is enormous! Like it was huge, REALLY HUGE. and we were shocked when our beef sandwich came with another pile of fries beside it. It was really fries overload. Oh, plus the beef sandwich was terrible. I eat beef but I hate it when beef dishes have that overpowering beef smell to it. Complete turn off. The patty was dry, smelly cos of the smell and the bread was dry too. No difference from eating..........sand I suppose. Everything was just too dry and it was just difficult swallowing it. Bleurghhh. 

But! Judging from the satisfied look of everyone else around us, I am pretty certain we have ordered the wrong dish. HAHAHA. Maybe I will still give this place a second chance to redeem itself for the atrocity that it presented to us on our first trip there! ;)

L'etoile Cafe
Monday to Friday: 1100-2200
Saturday, Sunday and PH: 0900-2200
160 Owen Road

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