Saturday 17 May 2014

Happy (belated) Mama's Day!

A one week late post dedicated for Mother's Day heheheeeeeee. It has been a great two weeks of eating due to this special day so it was good news for my tummy. hahahah yay!!

Annual mother's day meal for mummy was at Tung Lok Seafood Orchard Central this year. Celebrated for mummy in advance so as to beat the crowd hehehe and we went for the weekend lunch buffet and the food was good! Good range of food from appetizers, to mains, salads, dim sum (which was a littlle meh) and desserts. Some of their servings were pretty big though but other than that, it was a good meal! 

Some of our dishes. I got tired of snapping cos I just wanted to eat hahaha. They had salmon sashimi too which was pretty fresh too! Yummy! 

Photos with the fam!!! <3

In the evening, we headed down for round 2 of mother's day celebration for my grandma!!! Really good tze char at a coffee shop near my aunt's place! The food is really good. We used to go there quite regularly for family gatherings but haven't been there for quite a while. Yet, the food was still good, did not fail! (Y) 

Love each and every dish here! From the top row down: Fried you tiao, seafood hor fan, Assam fish head (damnnn yumz btw), Har cheong kai, tie ban dou fu (!!!), cereal prawns, veggie and mushrooms, damn gooooood claypot sea cucumber and yam ring!!!

Love good tze char places cos it is really a gem within the neighbourhood. Good food at reasonable prices is the ultimate combination! 

On the exact week we celebrated mother's day cum birthday for my great grandma at Chui Huay Lim Teochew Cuisine. We had sooo many people that there was a need to book an entire section of the restaurant just to house us hahahah. Another day of good food with the maternal side of the family! 

Some of the dishes. I must have forgotten some again because I am pretty sure there was more HAHA.YUMMMMMMY 

With the sis!

With the sis and cousin! 

And finally, on the exact day, we had a second round of celebration for Mummy!!! How to not have anything done on the exact day rightttt. So chef Tan me stepped into the kitchen and prepared steamboat single-handedly for my family! muahahaha. 

 Apart from the yam slices that were too thick LOL, not bad right. Prawns still got pattern LOL

So happy that this year's Mother's day was so well-spent and eventful and that all the plans were successful!! Happy (belated) Mother's day to all mummies out there again! 

Saturday 3 May 2014


Long overdue post for my amazing Toingtoing and her 20th birthday celebration! So thankful that we still take time out to celebrate each other's birthdays even as we leave CJ :) Toingz birthday surprise started off pretty well except for 2 little glitches that happened. The first got to do with my own stupidity hahahahah and the second was that Toingz will be coming over late and how late we have no idea. HAHAHA.

Stupid me revealed the plan in the group chat with Liting inside :(

 Ram and Ruth tried to make things better and Liting appeared trying to make me feel better by pretending she didn't see anything. BOOOHOOO 

Meanwhile in the other chat without Liting.........LOL. 

HAHAHA hais, either way crisis averted and yay it was time for the real surprise!!!!! Surprise lunch buffet treat for LT who has been wanting to go for a buffet for the longest time! Lunch was at Kiseki at Orchard Central which offered quite a spread for lunch buffet! The food was good as well so I thought it was totally worth it!!! Especially the desserts which serves like amazing soft cakes that melt in your mouth and a small scale fondue. and pasta and yakitori and their teppanyaki omg omg omg salivating at the thought of it!!!

Our table full of food!!!! Everything was so nice we finished everything! 

The damn cute birthday girl with her gifts awwww. 

Post lunch activities were held at K-suites! The place Ruth and Toingz have always wanted to bring us. HAHHAHA. We went crazy in the room but it was all fun HAHAH. Can't wait for our next karaoke session once the rest of them end their paper!!! 

Solo shots with the birthday girl! (Excluding Ram cos she had something to attend to at night :( )

My girls with creepy Mr Sun! 

YAYYYY love this bunch to bits. Can't wait for our next meet up!!! Hope you had a great day Toingz! <3 


Haven't been updating this space for the longest time but wow, I have been soooo busy with all the exams and assignments charging at me in full force. But now that these are all out of the way, I can finally welcome my holidays which I am extremely excited about!

Well, technically my holidays started about a week ago (hehehe) so....

Just a quick update about some important happenings that took place in my life! 

Birthday celebration for Victor at I Am...Cafe on one of the weekends. Nice little shop which is halal and serve pretty decent food at reasonable prices. Only down part is that their menu don't seem to be fixed so it is really pretty much by luck I suppose. On the day that we went, they were serving all day breakfast which wasn't what we had in mind but oh well, food is good so no complaints :) It was a pretty small place but it doesn't feel too cluttered. I wouldn't mind going back again to give their other main course a try too!

Eggs ben for both hudds and I, pancake stack for Victor and egg and sausage set for Bryan. They serve nice coffee too! 

Birthday boy with his massive rainbow cake! The cake was sooo pretty but serving was huge! 

 customized this shirt for Victor as well for his birthday :') glad he likes it! 

The amazing company that I am always thankful for
I Am...Cafe
Sunday to Thursday: 1100-2300
Friday: 1100-0100
674 North Bridge Road

Came home from hall during one of the weeks and le sis and I decided to give this cafe that we have discovered online a try! Pretty nice place that stands on its own amidst a lot of hardware shops. Just a nice, quiet place that has a nice ambience. Perfect for some quiet time :) 

Would have loved the place more........if we had ordered the right dishes. The dishes we ordered sucked lol but I would give it a benefit of doubt that we were unlucky enough to order something that tasted terrible hahahaha. Because there are many good reviews online!! 

Oh, the cafe in question is none other than L'etoile Cafe btw. 

Love the interior because they have this whole cottage-y feel to it that adds to the comfort of the place! 

My sis' cappuccino


That plate of truffle fries is enormous! Like it was huge, REALLY HUGE. and we were shocked when our beef sandwich came with another pile of fries beside it. It was really fries overload. Oh, plus the beef sandwich was terrible. I eat beef but I hate it when beef dishes have that overpowering beef smell to it. Complete turn off. The patty was dry, smelly cos of the smell and the bread was dry too. No difference from eating..........sand I suppose. Everything was just too dry and it was just difficult swallowing it. Bleurghhh. 

But! Judging from the satisfied look of everyone else around us, I am pretty certain we have ordered the wrong dish. HAHAHA. Maybe I will still give this place a second chance to redeem itself for the atrocity that it presented to us on our first trip there! ;)

L'etoile Cafe
Monday to Friday: 1100-2200
Saturday, Sunday and PH: 0900-2200
160 Owen Road

Sunday 6 April 2014

Been soooo long since I updated but these weeks have been so hectic! I am just thankful for a little breather over the weekends because weekdays are just suffocating hahaha. Spent my week mugging either in the study room or in my room and chionging essays and assignments. YAY finally the teaching weeks are coming to an end!! :D

Even decided to come back on Wednesdays after tuition to complete my assignments. hahaha talk about dedication guys.

My weekly Wednesday dinner. Cheap sushi from Fairprice but still as satisfying. :)

Satisfied Xiuxiu and I after our welfare pack collection! Yay to more discount vouchers and handy laundry bags hehehe. 

Have been having really good local food with my parents over these two weekends. Really love local food and can never get enough of it! Even if that means having meals in crazily warm and packed hawker centers, it is all worth it for the sake of good food!!! 

At Chinatown hawker center! The famous claypot rice that gets sold out so quickly is my all time favourite there. Must try!!! Tender chicken and fragrant rice, really the ultimate combination. Have tried the other stalls in the hawker center before too but really, nothing beats this! 

Dinner yesterday was at Newton Circus Food Center. We had so much food but the time lag prevented me from taking pictures of our entire table cos everyone was just so eager to start. hahaha. Nonetheless, a picture of my favourite BBQ Stingray!! HUGE serving with generous amount of Sambal!!! Shiokkkkkk! 

Personally thought that the food was a little more pricey at Newton as compared to the other hawker centers out there but I guess that is a given. However, the food there was really good, so I am not complaining over here.  

Met the sis on Friday for some well-deserved break. Decided to go for Sukiya at Plaza Singapura, the new extension. Lunch promotion was going at $17.90++ per pax for 2 soup bases and unlimited meat (chicken, pork and beef). The soup base was thick and flavourful and meat was so thinly sliced that it cooks real quick and was really delicious! 

The two soup base that we opted for was the pork broth and the one that is meant for sukiyaki or something. Can't exactly remember but I think that was how it was being described. 

Vegetables and the different kinda balls were free flow. Ramen etc were too. But I was pretty disappointed with the spread because their spread was really limited. They didn't even have the basic Enoki mushroom which I thought was like an essential!!! There weren't many choices of items as well so basically I would suggest that you go there and feast on the meat. Don't bother heading over to the buffet counter cos there isn't much to take hahaha. 

Another disappointing part of this place was the really lousy service that was being provided. There were only like 5 tables taken up in the shop that day, but the staff were really inattentive. It was so hard to call for a waiter's attention and it took us quite a while to get our meat and soup refilled. Furthermore, this other guy whom I'd assume was the manager cos he was wearing a different colour uniform was unfriendly and he left us standing outside the shop even though he spotted us for quite a while before deciding to lead us in. No smiles throughout his entire service. Really really bad. Food was good though, but I doubt I will visit that place again if I had a choice. Such a waste! 

Sunday 16 March 2014

So recess week came and went. Now that school started, I am barely breathing :( Crazy hectic with a major assignment due every single week it is not even funny! Feeling so tired and overwhelmed from school all of a sudden that I just had to turn to blogging because this appears to be my only escape from the mountainous workload. I mean other than blogging, I actually feel guilty if I am not staring at my readings or editing my essay or some school related nonsense. Haisssss, do you understand how I feel? :(

Extremely belated Sakae lunch buffet with my favourite-est Justina during recess week. Love Sakae sushi buffet because of the student deals. I LOVE BEING A STUDENT!!! 

Justina!! Really amazing person who is so nice to hang out with all the time. One of my most supportive friends around as well hehehe. Luv yaaaa.
Met up with my 08 friends over recess week as well. Anddd as usual, another amazing catch up with them hahaha.
Hung out around town with this bunch of noisy but amazing people before we headed off for Joce's hall prod at night :)

After Joce's hall prod!!! So funny watching Joce performed hehehe. But yay good job!!
Came back on Tuesday evening and settled for an impromptu dinner with my Sister! Finally settled my crazy craving for the famous 天外天 Yu Tou Lu hahahaha. YUMMMMMMMMY. Love love love it! Yu Tou Lu with the yummy salted egg pork ribs. Omg heavenly!

So from February or so, Nurul, Xiuming and I decided to join Zumba at NTU hahaha. Just wanted to find something to keep us fit and something that was fun at the same time. So glad that we joined it because it was so amazing and we really worked out crazily for that one hour hahaha. Plus, our instructor was so cool! And our zumba officially ended 2 days ago and I am so sad about it. Maybe when my busy period is over, my Sis and I will join an external one outside! LETS KEEP FIT!

My Zumba class and my amazing instructor, Ange, in the pink cap!

Commemorating our last session of Zumba! (Without Xiuming so her bag will take her place)
Really cannot wait for this semester to be over because there are so many things worth looking forward to. Revamping my room, Vietnam with the family, wedding preparation etc. Just need this semester to fly past already it is getting too hard to bear :( Most probably changing my phone this week as well and I am ultra excited! Can't wait can't wait!!  

Sunday 2 March 2014


Omg haven't blogged in 2 weeks! Been really busy the last two weeks with loads of assignments and events piled up together. So recess week finally came, and I am all ready for it. hehe. Really a timely break!

Daddy's birthday last Sunday and decided to break away from our weekly breakfast downstairs and headed off to Chinatown for dim sum! Ram recommended me this dim sum place some time back and I always thought of bringing my family there. Yummy food and efficient service! Food was really good and even my dad thought it was worth it and he can be quite a critic at times hehe.

Round 1 *jengjeng*

 Mummy, Sis and Fat Dad! 
Fat Dad, Me and Mummy! 

We actually ate quite a bit but the total only came up to $40++! Totally worth it and that meal lasted us the entire day! The shop is called Tak Po and it is located along the stretch of shops opposite the Chinatown hawker centre which has the CK department store at its basement. Along the streets are shops selling herbal tea and chinese medicine. Will definitely go back again!

Furthered our birthday celebration at night with the traditional Tze Char that we eat on every special occasion! This time round we headed to Buangkok and invited my Ah Yi's family along too! No pictures cos it doesn't do the food justice but it was a fun-filled dinner regardless hehe. 

Finally met up with Joce and Ram for our very very belated date to Pitchstop on Wednesday! Another round of good food and good company. Some things just never get old :') 

 Ram and Joce :)

School this week was really busy with a whole lot of assignments. BOO. Was really glad when Friday came because that signalled the end of the week! And the start of RECESS WEEK YEAH. Ended my week rushing between classes and HOCC rehearsals although we were just backstage crew but nonetheless an amazing experience for my first ever HOCC hahaha. It was fun working with the dance team which was filled with really nice people and the Culture comm of my hall which was another bunch of hilarious people. LOL. 

HOCC Culture subcomm

Finally finished watching my favourite drama on the list right now. The one that left me with swollen eyes the whole of yesterday cos I couldn't stop crying HAHAHA. 
You From Another Star!!!! *swoons*

Amazing show which was freaking hilarious but so heart-wrenching at the same time. And of course with such good-looking casts you can't not be hooked. I am totally addicted and am actually rewatching it with my sis. I even downloaded LINE to get the Chong Song Yi and Do Min Joon ssi's stickers ok. Jun Ji Hyun is such a natural in this show and omg she is just SOOOO funny. I can rewatch her and her antics and never get sick of it. Plus, Kim Soo Hyun is such a cutie and a really good actor as well. Great casts with a wonderful storyline, yeah you got it! I am so tempted to blog about this show but I shan't cos my sis reads my blog and she is not done yet so....hehehe I shall just be excited about this alone LOL.